Rating-Up: a guide to our review scores

We’re all about having fun here at 1001-Up.com, but we do have two serious goals when it comes to our reviews. Firstly, we want to provide Players with an insight into how a game plays and inspires; and secondly, we want to help you determine whether a title is worth parting with your time and funds.

Not everybody wants to read through a full-blown evaluation so we’ve provided a Round-Up section at the beginning of each review to give an overview on the game or app and its release, along with its good and bad points and overall score. The Rating-Up section at the end gives a visual explanation of how we’ve reached the final grade.

Featured - Rating-Up

When scoring a game, we look at six main aspects of play:

  • Plot
  • Gameplay
  • Graphics
  • Sound
  • Replayability
  • Innovation
  • Each aspect is scored out of 10 and an overall score out of 60 is then calculated. Depending on the latter, games and mobile apps are given an award:

  • 1001-UP.COM AWARD ☆☆☆☆ – 56 to 60 points
  • POWER-UP ☆☆☆ – 41 to 55 points
  • LEVEL-UP ☆☆ – 21 to 40 points
  • MAN-UP ☆ – 1 to 20 points
  • There’s no way to calculate a score that everyone thinks is right, although the team does try to come to a general consensus. But reviews shouldn’t end the discussion and having a difference in opinion is part of the fun. We want our Readers to interact with us and give us their views too, and encourage you to leave your comments at the end of each post.

    It’s time to Power-Up, Level-Up and Man-Up.

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