Virtual Book Tour

Ma William and Her Circle of Friends’ First Virtual Book Tour

What is a  Virtual Book Tour?

Authors may travel the world over to promote or tour their books, incurring travel, accommodation and other transportation costs. A virtual book tour allows the Author to travel from blog to blog sharing written, audio and video blog posts with blog owners. The Author is featured as a guest on the site. The tour exposes the Author and his book to a wider audience and gives readers the opportunity to learn more about the book and the Author.

I embarked on my first mini virtual book tour from 13-18 May 2012. The tour was designed to help our audience learn more about the book Ma William and Her Circle of Friends and my journey as an Author. I also discussed life in the Caribbean and reached out to the diaspora. Here are the links to the tour stops.

Day 1 Ma William Salutes Mothers

Day 2 Ma William Connects with Authors

Day 3 Meeting the Diaspora

Day 4 Back to School

Day 5 A View from Within

Day 6 Conversing with the Media

Thank You for following Ma William and Her Circle of Friends on Tour.

Need to read the book? Then pick up your copy by clicking on the link to Amazon in the sidebar!