NY Public Library, April 5, 2017

During my presentation. Showing a clipping from our local hometown paper of us high school kids just before we set off for my first trip to Paris. I talk about this in Chapter 2 of my memoir. Photo: ©Stephanie Badini

The New York Public Library Presents
An Illustrated Talk with Author Lisa Anselmo

Wednesday, Apr. 6, 2017, 6:30pm
The New York Public Library/Mid-Manhattan Library
455 Fifth Avenue, New York City

I was thrilled to be asked by the prestigious New York Public Library to present the story behind my book. And I was completely surprised by the full-capacity house (you always think no one will show). I met some incredibly passionate readers of my book and blog, which was humbling and exciting at the same time. I gave an illustrated talk of my book, walking the audience through the story with visuals. You can view the lecture here, but for whatever reason, they cropped out the screen with visuals. Sorry! (You’ll have to scroll down to find my video. The still is of the woman who presented me, so don’t be confused.) We weren’t allowed to photograph any of the audience’s faces, which is why the photos are mostly of me. 

Full-capacity house. I was happy. You always think no one will show. Photo: ©Stephanie Badini

Presenting. Photo: ©Stephanie Badini

Talking about my series. Photo: ©Stephanie Badini

During the Q&A. Someone read their favorite passage from my book, a bit about seeing signs. I was tickled. Photo: ©Stephanie Badini

Signing books and chatting with the guests after the talk. It was so touching to hear such incredible feedback about the book from passionate readers. Photo: ©Stephanie Badini

Signing books. Can’t contain my joy to be at the New York Public Library. Photo: ©Stephanie Badini

So thrilling to be asked so speak at this institution. ©Stephanie Badini