Griffiths, Mary

Griffiths, Mary    1890 February 8th


On Tuesday afternoon the City Coroner (Mr G Smith) held an inquest at the Fisherton House Asylum, touching the death of Mary Ann Griffiths, aged 87, an inmate of the institution, who was found dead in the lavatory adjoining her bedroom on Monday morning. Mr Scamell was chosen foreman of the jury.


Jane Pinnock, the nurse who attended on deceased, said that the latter went to bed about two o’clock on the afternoon of Sunday, and was then in her usual health, with the exception that she had a slight cold. She saw her frequently until ten o’clock when she was still in bed and appeared to be as usual. At that time witness went off duty. Witness slept in the same room as deceased, and there were seven other patients sleeping in the same ward. About ten minutes past seven on Monday morning she discovered the deceased lying dead on the floor of the lavatory adjoining the ward. Upon making this discovery she immediately sent for Dr Finch.


In reply to a question from a juror witness said she heard the deceased chattering to herself in the morning some time before half past seven.


Dr E T Finch, one of the registered licencees of the Asylum, said that when he examined the deceased at eleven o’clock she was quite dead and cold. She was about 87 years of age and had been in the institution for a considerable period having come from Islington workhouse. From the evidence of a post mortem examination he was of opinion that she died from heart disease.


In reply to a question by the foreman witness said he was called at about 7.30 but did not think it necessary to go at once as deceased was reported to be quite dead.


A juror said he noticed a discolouration on the deceased.


The witness said he had not noticed it but there was a bruise upon her arm, which she might have received in falling. She fell about a couple of yards from her bed.


The jury returned a verdict of “Death from natural causes.”

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