Saunders, Edward

Saunders, Edward    1891 January 2nd Bradford on Avon


A shocking and determined suicide took place at Bradford-on-Avon on Sunday morning, the victim being Mr Edward Robert Saunders, O.E., son of Mr Thomas Bush Saunders, of The Friary, late chairman of the bench of magistrates, board of guardians, commissioners, etc.


It seems that after the death of Mrs Saunders some four years ago, it was found necessary to confine the deceased, who was 38 years of age, and who was suffering from religious mania in Dr Finch’s private asylum, Salisbury, from which place he returned home about two months ago apparently greatly improved both in body and mind.


Nothing occurred to arouse the suspicions of those by whom he was surrounded on Saturday, and as late as 8 o’clock on Sunday morning he conversed with his valet, when the latter took him his bath and a letter. About an hour afterwards, however, a heavy thud was heard in the bedroom, and, on the servants running up to inquire the cause, they found deceased lying on the floor, with the roof of his mouth shattered and the left side of the skull completely blown away. A double-barrelled gun lay at his side, and it was evident deceased had placed the muzzle in his mouth, pulled the trigger with his toe, and caused his own death instantaneously.


At the inquest held by Mr Coroner Gloster, in the old dining-hall of The Priory, on Monday afternoon, the above facts were elicited, and the jury immediately returned a verdict that the deceased committed the act while temporarily insane. The greatest sympathy is felt for the aged and bed-ridden father and the other members of the family, all of whom command the highest respect and esteem in this neighbourhood.

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