Bacon, Harriett

Bacon, Harriett       1898 March 11th Donhead St Mary


On Wednesday morning, in last week, Mrs Harriett Bacon, of this village, gave birth to a child, and shortly afterwards expired before a doctor could be fetched.


On Thursday afternoon an inquest was held in Mr Robert Westlake’s house, before Mr R A Wilson (County Coroner), and a jury, of which Mr William Gatehouse was foreman.


Chas. Bacon, the husband, having given evidence.


Mrs Thersa Scammel, wife of Chas. Scammel, labourer, said she was a neighbour of the deceased, and on Wednesday morning at a quarter to four she was called by deceased’s son. She went to the house at once, and Mrs Bacon said she was very ill. She replied that she would fetch Mrs Lampard, another neighbour. Before witness got back the child was born. Mrs Bennett came, and witness made a certain communication to her.


Mrs Ellen Bennett (Charlton), a midwife, and wife of Thomas Bennett, labourer, said she sent for the doctor immediately she saw the woman was very ill.


The Foreman : Seeing it was such a bad case why did you not send for the doctor before? No answer.


Dr F H Blucke, MRCS (Rowberry), gave evidence. He went to the cottage as soon as he was called, and found that the woman was dead. Medical skill was required in the case, and he did not think the midwife was capable of managing it : nothing had been done on his arrival. The cause of death was internal hemorrhage.


A verdict was returned according to the medical evidence. The jury gave their fees, with a donation from the doctor, to the husband, for whom much sympathy is felt, the poor fellow being left with a family of 6 small children. The remains of the deceased were interred in the Congregational burying ground, Birdbush, on Saturday afternoon. The Rev J T Draper officiated.

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