Garrett, Frederick

 Garrett, Frederick           1910 December 30th             Maiden Bradley


On Tuesday an inquest was held by Mr W J Trethowan, Coroner for South Wilts, on the body of Frederick George Garrett, who died the previous evening as the result of falling over a hedge at Maiden Bradley.


Frederick Dredge said that on Monday evening he was at the corner near the lamp facing the cottages at Maiden Bradley called the Rank, and some time after six o’clock he saw a man pass the cottages going towards the Frome Road. Almost immediately he heard a thud as though someone had fallen from a height. Having fetched someone else he went towards the place from which he heard the sound, and found deceased in the road. He had fallen over a hedge at the end of the cottages.


Lavinia Garrett, a spinster, living at the Rank, said she was the daughter of the deceased. He was 68 years of age. She last saw him alive between 5 and 5.30pm on Monday when he was in his usual health. He left the house at about 20 minutes past six, and she was fetched by her brother at about half past six, when she found her father in Frome Road, dead.


Albert Trollope, a drayman, of 49, Carno Street, Rhymney, Monmouthshire, said that on Monday evening he was coming from Baycliffe through Maiden Bradley, and when he got to the cross roads opposite the Rank cottages he saw several lads under a high hedge which formed the boundary of the cottages. He went to them and one told him that a man had fallen over the hedge. He approached the deceased, lifted him up, and undid the clothing round his neck. He was not then dead but died within a minute afterwards.


James Bothwell, surgeon, residing at Horningsham, said he was called to attend the deceased and went immediately. Deceased was lying on the floor of the cottage, quite dead. It appeared that the man had died immediately. There were only injuries to the back of the head, the cause of death being concussion of the brain. The injuries were such as would have been caused by falling on the head from a height.


A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.

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