Martin, Winifred

 Martin, Winifred            1909 November 26th


The sudden death of an infant named Winifred Annie Martin was the subject of an inquest held at the Iron Room, Church Fields, on Tuesday evening by the City Coroner (Mr S Buchanan Smith). Mr H Case was appointed foreman of the jury.


Agnes Mabel Martin, mother of the child, said she was the wife of Sidney Martin, a shop assistant, living at 2, Nadder Terrace, Church Fields. The deceased was five weeks old and appeared to be quite strong and healthy until Sunday morning, when witness noticed noticed that her eyes were rolling and she was fighting with her hands. The child seemed to have convulsions, but rallied later. Her husband sent for Dr Wilks (who was the nearest doctor), but he did not attend. The child recovered and was taken to church to be christened. She passed a good night but became sick at about 7.30 on Monday morning and struggled as it had done before. Dr Gordon was telephoned for, and on attending recommended castor oil and lime water. During the night she fed the child twice, the second occasion being 4 o’clock on Tuesday. The deceased was then lying on her arm, and when she woke up at about 6.45 she found it was dead.


Dr J E Gordon said he was called on Tuesday morning, and when he arrived the child was dead. There were no marks of violence and it had the appearance of having been well nourished and well attended to. He formed the opinion that the child had been accidentally suffocated whilst in bed with its parents. On the previous morning he had attended it, and considered it suffered from gastric irritation or indigestion, so he advised the parents to give it an aperient.


A juryman said he thought Dr Wilks ought to be asked why he did not attend.


The Coroner:- I do not know that that had anything to do with the cause of death. Of course, a doctor is not bound to attend.


The juryman:- Well, if he does not want to work he had better give up his practise.


The Coroner:- That is hardly a question for the jury, I think.


A verdict of “Accidental Death due to overlaying” was returned.

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