Jewell, Emmie

 Jewell, Emmie        1908 Jul 3rd             Winchester


Extraordinary Suicide


An inquest was held at Winchester on Friday morning, concerning the death of Emmie Jewell, aged 31, wife of Arthur Jewell, of 18, Monk’s Road, Winchester, whose death took place on Thursday under sad circumstances. The widower, an engineer, said his wife had had excellent health. On Wednesday morning he went to work at six o’clock, and when he returned at eight o’clock for breakfast he found it unprepared. The house was filled with gas fumes, and on going upstairs he found his wife in bed unconscious. She had her head under the clothes. He carried her downstairs into the garden and tried artificial respiration. He sent for a doctor, but death took place before his arrival. He took the child out of the bed. He found that the gas bracket had been disconnected, and a surplus length inserted so that deceased could lie in bed and apply it. Deceased had been depressed since the birth of her child six months ago, but had nothing to worry her.


Dr Bodington certified that death was due to suffocation by coal gas, and Dr Applebee, who had attended deceased for eighteen years, spoke of her being depressed after the birth of the child. She told him her husband was very kind, and she had nothing to worry her.


The jury found that “Death was due to suffocation by coal gas taken during temporary insanity.”

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