Payne, Ann

Payne, Ann    1885 April 25th        Heytesbury

An inquest was held at the “Red Lion” inn on Monday morning by Mr Coroner Sylvester, and a jury of whom Mr W M Sainsbury was foreman, on the body of Ann Payne, aged 72, widow of the late Samuel Payne, who was found dead in bed on the previous Sunday morning.

From the evidence of Matilda King, who lived next door to the deceased, it appeared that on the previous Saturday night deceased retired to bed at about eight o’clock in her usual health. She, however, was subjected to wind spasms. About four o’clock on Sunday morning witness heard deceased knocking against the wall which parted the two cottages. She immediately went into the house of deceased, and found her suffering from inability to breathe freely. She asked deceased if she should go for a doctor or get anything for her, and she replied that she would like something to drink. She gave her a little water with some ginger sugar and brandy in it, and that she drank. Deceased also expressed a wish for a cup of tea. She made her a cup and took it to her, and when she had drank it she appeared relieved. Witness then went into her own house to get breakfast ready for her son, who is a shepherd and had to go to his work. She returned to the house of deceased at about six o’clock, and then found that she was dead.

Mary Parsons, another neighbour, corroborated the previous witness’s statement.

Mr W G Davis, surgeon, said that at about nine o’clock on Sunday morning he went to the house of deceased. He believed that the cause of death was spasmodic asthma, accompanied by a weak heart.

After hearing the evidence, the jury returned a verdict of “Death from natural causes.”

See also Samuel Payne, who may have been the late husband – Ed.

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