Doling, Charles

Doling, Charles      1886 December 11th        Romsey

On Friday evening, about seven o’clock, Chas. Doling, 59, a well-known character, who had lived for many years with his family in a small cottage on the Great-bridge-road, died suddenly. He had left the premises of his master, Mr W G Prince, about two hours previously, and after passing some time at the “Thatched Cottage,” he proceeded home, and when in Cherville-street was seen to fall.

An inquest was held on Monday afternoon, before Mr Bernard Harfield, acting as deputy for the county coroner, when it appeared from the evidence of Lydia, wife of Henry Hayter, of Cherville-street, deceased’s sister, that on Friday evening her son came home a little after eight o’clock, and said his Uncle Charlie was leaning against the Star gates. She went and found him lying on his back. She tried to lift him, and said, “It’s you, Charlie,” and he said, “Leave me alone.” Afterwards her husband came up and, with assistance, carried him into their house, but he died about five minutes afterwards.

Mrs Bundy, of Cherville-street, said she was returning home on Friday evening, and when passing Mr Chandler’s shop saw deceased fall down in front of her. She took his hand, but he did not speak, though he was not dead. She ran to Mr Streeter for help, and was returning with him when deceased’s sister came up.

Dr F Buckell stated that about a week previously he prescribed deceased medicine for a slight attack of bronchitis and symptoms of pleurisy. On Friday night, being sent for, he found him lying on the floor of his sister’s room, dead but still warm. As he could not determine the cause of death he made a post mortem examination. The heart was double the usual size and diseased, as well as the valve, the stomach greatly distended and filled with an enormous quantity of fluid, and the greater portion of its lining was black. He attributed death to the disease of the heart and its surroundings.

The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony.

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