Rudge, James

Rudge, James           1887 February 26th       Trerrible/Salisbury

A sad accident (which terminated fatally on Saturday last) befell Mr James Thomas Rudge (eldest son of Mr William Henry Rudge, now of Treribble, but formerly of Salisbury) on the 14th ult. It appears that a spirited horse was loose, and went to drink, upon which the unfortunate man approached the animal, and coming in close contact with it, received a severe kick upon the forehead, severely fracturing the skull. Mr Rudge was taken into the house, and Dr Doig (of Ross) was immediately sent for, and was promptly in attendance. Notwithstanding medical skill, however, Mr Rudge succumbed to the injury on the day mentioned.

An inquest was subsequently held before Mr T Llanwarne, and after hearing the evidence a verdict of “Accidental Death” was returned by the jury. Much sympathy is expressed towards the parents of the deceased.

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