Giles, James

Giles, James          1889 April 20th              Warminster

An inquest was held at the Cottage Hospital, on Saturday afternoon, before Mr F T Sylvester, coroner, on the body of James Giles, 62, plasterer, who was found dead the previous night. Deceased had been working at Upton Scudamore, and left there in the afternoon to go home. He took with him a pair of trucks loaded with ladder, etc., and when about a mile from Warminster a storm came on, and it is supposed that deceased ran into a shed in a field adjoining the road for shelter. The trucks were found on the roadside at half-past eleven o’clock at night, by the police, who also discovered the deceased in the shed. He was lying on his face, which was buried in a quantity of manure, and was quite dead. He had been unwell since falling from a ladder some time ago, and had complained of giddiness and pain at his heart; and it is supposed that when in the shed he was seized with a fit of giddiness and fell as described, and being unable to turn himself over, he was suffocated in the manure.

The jury returned a verdict of accidental death from asphyxia or suffocation.

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