Crook, William

Crook, William         1888 January 14th

An inquest was held at the Council House by the City Coroner, on Tuesday afternoon, relative to the decease of William Crook, a child, whose parents live in Morgan’s Court, Gigant Street. Mr S Jones was foreman of the jury.

Mr W D Wilkes said that he was called in between five and six o’clock to see a child in a fit, whom they thought to be dying. On his arrival he found the child dead and lying in Mrs Naish’s lap. The child was dressed, clean, and well nourished. It had no marks about it, the features were placid, and the child seemed well cared for in every respect. On inquiry he found that it had had its usual meal of milk and Neave’s food at half-past four, and had appeared quite well until the attack of convulsions came on, which lasted about five minutes, and caused death. The child was six months old. He attributed death to that attack of convulsions. As the child was dead when he arrived he could not certify the cause of death.

Mrs Crook, the deceased’s mother (whose husband is a fishmonger) said that the child was quite well up to Monday afternoon, except a cold. She was nursing it when it became ill. It had a fit. Witness called in the assistance of Mrs Naish, and at once sent for the doctor, who came as soon as possible. The child was dead when he arrived. This was their only child.

The jury returned a verdict of death from natural causes.

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