Davis, William

Davis, William            1888 January 14th

Sudden Death of a Tradesman

On Tuesday Mr Smith (city coroner) held an inquest at the Wyndham Hotel, Wyndham Park, on the body of William Edward Davis, aged 54, a shoemaker, of No 14, Park Street, who died suddenly on Monday night. Mr S Jones was chosen foreman of the jury.

Arthur Davis, a young man, said deceased was his father and he worked with him as a bootmaker. He worked with him on Monday evening up to nine o’clock. He was then in his usual state of health. In fact he was quite cheerful. He died at five minutes after twelve. Witness was called up a little while before, and after seeing his father he went for Dr Gordon. When he returned he was dead. His father enjoyed a good health up to a week ago when he complained of a pain in his side and his right arm. Deceased thought it was rheumatism, and he did not therefore consult a doctor.

Dr Gordon said between 12 and 1 o’clock on Monday night he was called to attend deceased. When he arrived deceased was dead. He had been dead only a few minutes. There were no outward appearances to indicate what he died from; but he thought death was probably due to heart affection.

The jury returned a verdict of “Death from Natural Causes.”

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