Mills, Amelia

Mills, Amelia              1919 February 21st

An Unexpected End

An inquest was held by the City Coroner (Mr A M Wilson), without a jury, at the Council House, on Wednesday evening, in connection with the death of Miss Amelia Mills.

Albert Robinson, a fitter’s labourer in the employ of the L & SWR Company, living at 6, George Street, said Miss Mills was his wife’s sister, and when she was not in employment made his house her home. On Tuesday morning a notification was received at his house that she was dead. As far as he knew her health was good, though recently she had been suffering from a cold.

Miss Sarah Plowman, head housemaid at the Palace, said Miss Mills had been employed there as parlourmaid for just over a fortnight, and had been employed twice previously for short periods. On Monday Miss Mills was at work all day and did not complain of her health. She went to her room, where she slept by herself, at a quarter to ten, after wishing the servants good-night. The next morning about eight o’clock, as she had not done her work, she went up to her room and found her in bed, covered with clothes, looking as if she were asleep, but when she pulled back the clothes she found Miss Mills was dead. Dr Ward was sent for. During the time she had been at the Palace she had not complained of her health.

Dr A F J Ward said that on Tuesday morning he received a telephone message to go to the Palace about 8.30. Miss Mills had probably been dead some hours, when he arrived. He made an examination and came to the conclusion that death was due to sudden cardiac failure. He had attended her off and on for two or three years, the last time was about a week before in connection with a cough. On the Coroner’s instructions he carried out a post-mortem examination and discovered extensive fatty degeneration of the heart, which would be the result of chronic kidney disease and led to cardiac failure.

The Coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony.

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