Ramos, Antonio

Ramos, Antonio         1917 August 24th           Mere

Killed by a Tree

The Coroner for South Wilts (Mr F H Trethowan) held an inquest at Mere on Wednesday in connection with the death of a Portuguese named Antonio Jose Ramos, who was knocked down by a tree which he was engaged in felling.

Elentherio Carralto, an interpreter, living at Stourton, gave evidence of identification. He said that Ramos was 46 years of age, was a tree feller, and his home was in Famalicao, near Braga, Portugal. From what he had heard of the matter there was no suggestion of negligence on the part of any other person.

George Green, of Stourton, said he was a foreman under the Director of Timber Supplies, and on Saturday, August 11th, he saw Ramos and other Portuguese felling a tree. He heard some shouting and saw the tree falling in the direction in which Ramos was standing. He ran to the spot and found it had fallen on the man. The pole was about 70 feet long and he was about 60 feet from the butt, so he apparently had not accurately judged the length of the tree. He superintended the man’s removal to hospital.

Dr Farnfield, of Gillingham, said he saw Ramos at the Red Cross Hospital at Mere. He was suffering from severe shock due to crushing injuries to the chest. His left collar bone was dislocated and his left arm completely paralysed. He rallied within 24 hours and showed some improvement until the following Tuesday, when he developed secondary inflammation of the lungs, and steadily grew worse until he died on Monday, August 20th, at 8pm. Death was due to the internal injuries.

The jury returned a verdict of accidental death.

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