Oxford, Frederick

Oxford, Frederick    1890 October 11th Poole


The Borough Coroner for Poole (Mr G Braxton-Aldridge) held an inquest on Saturday, at the Gas Tavern, on Frederick Oxford, aged seven, who was found drowned in Poole Harbour on Friday.


Evidence was given by Mr Zeaton, a maltster, in the employ of Messrs Styring and Co ; Harriett Oxford, the mother of the deceased ; and two fishermen, named George Brown and Richard Wills.


From their testimony it appears that on Friday afternoon, about half past 12, the deceased left home for the purpose of going on the Quay to play. Just before two o’clock Zeaton took his master’s dog to the water to bathe, and whilst swimming about the witness noticed that the animal was pulling at something which appeared to be a jacket. As the dog pulled the object to shore it was observed to be the body of a boy. It was immediately taken ashore, and every means used to restore animation, but unfortunately without success. There was no evidence to show how the lad got into the water, but it is conjectured that whilst playing upon the quay wall he must have slipped overboard.


A verdict of “Found drowned” was returned.

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