Candick, George

  Candick, George    1904 Oct 28th             Warminster/ East Cranmore


A Carter Killed


Touching the death of George Candick, foreman carter in the employ of Messrs Mark Hill and Co, of Warminster. Mr E Q Louch held an inquest at the Shepton Mallett Hospital on Thursday.


PC Humphries stated that when on the main road in East Cranmore, about 2.30pm, when he was attracted by a man on his knees by the bank. He enquired what was the matter, and the man replied, “I was coming along here with my horses, which have run away. Whilst walking by the side of the carriage the horses jumped forward and the wheel knocked me.” Witness said, “ You were not riding,” and he replied “No.” Witness found it was a waggon laden with two tons of timber. Witness found he had no bones broken, but he complained of the small of his back, and in reply to questions said he was “all to pieces.” He thought both wheels went over him. He had, he said, been lying there some time, and no one had come to him. He was not bleeding, except from a slight cut on the head. The Rev W T Quinn, who came up, sent for a conveyance as quickly as possible, and witness conveyed him to the hospital, but he died on admission. The timber carriage with three horses and laden with ash poles was stopped three-quarters of a mile further on.


The jury returned a verdict of accidental death. The deceased had been in the employ of Mr Mark Hill for 30 years, and was a steady and respectable workman. He leaves a widow and two children.

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