Willows, Richard

  Willows, Richard      1904 Apr 29th                 Mere


An inquest was held at the Temperance Hotel, on Wednesday, on the body of Richard Wilfred Willows, chemist, of Cirencester, who died on Monday from injuries received through being thrown from a horse on April 20th.


George Bryce, butcher, of Mere, said the deceased came to visit him on Tuesday, April 19th, and on the morning of the 20th he went out for a ride on a horse, which he had previously ridden. Later in the day witness was informed that he had met with an accident, and he drove over to Hindon and brought him home in a cab. Deceased had been attended by Dr Farnfield, but he died on Monday morning at 9 o’clock.


John Kemp, butcher and innkeeper of Hindon, stated that he was in his bar on the 20th inst, at about 12 o’clock when he saw a man on horseback galloping into Hindon Street from the Mere road. The horse jumped at a fence on the side of the road and, striking its head against a beech tree, fell backwards. The man was shot over the hedge and fell heavily to the ground. Witness and others went to the injured man’s assistance and brought him in and laid him on the sofa. He was attended by Dr Blythe and with his permission was sent back to Mere.


Dr Farnfield stated he attended the deceased at five o’clock on the day of the accident and found him suffering from concussion of the brain. He complained of a headache and hemorrhage set in, followed by paralysis of the right eye and irritation of the brain. Mr Willows rallied on Sunday but complications set in and he sank into a state of coma and died on Monday morning.


The jury, of which Mr Solomon Bristow was foreman, returned a verdict of “Accidental Death.”

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