Payne, farmer

Payne, farmer    1901 December 6th




A farmer named Payne, of Hullavington, while driving home with his daughter from Chippenham market on Friday, overtook a man in the road who was deaf. To avoid running over him, Payne pulled into the side of the road, and in doing so the trap overturned. Payne died of the injuries he received, and the daughter lies in a critical condition.


The inquest was held at the police station, on Monday, before Mr Brown, District Coroner. It appeared from the evidence that the man was knocked down, and that the horse, which was attached to a light American cart, plunged forward, and breaking the harness released itself from the cart. The deceased and his daughter were precipitated with great violence into the road. They were conveyed home, where Mr Payne was attended by Dr Kennedy, of Malmesbury, who found that he had sustained a fracture of the base of the skull. Deceased lingered until eight o’clock the following morning. The cause of death was cerebral hemmorhage. A verdict of accidental death was returned, and the jury expressed their sympathy with the family in the loss they had sustained.

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