Beauchamp, Jesse

Beauchamp, James        1868 July 25th         Downton

An inquest was held by Mr R M Wilson, at Downton, on the 22nd inst., on the body of Jesse Beauchamp, aged 48. Charles Bryant, of Redlynch, stated that on Monday evening about eight o’clock, he was driving towards his home, and invited the deceased who was very tired, to ride with him, which he did, but after being in the cart a few minutes, the belly-tie became undone, and the horse commenced kicking. The deceased then became very frightened and attempted to get out at the back of the cart, but in so doing fell headlong on the road.

He was conveyed to the nearest house, and Mr Caesar, the surgeon, was sent for, who found two incised wounds on the left side of the head, and a fracture of the last cervical vertebrae. The deceased died next morning about 11 o’clock, from paralysis, arising from the fracture of the spine. Verdict – “Accidental Death.”

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