Whitlock, Mark

Whitlock, Mark        1869 February 6th         Pitton

An inquest was held by Mr Wilson at Pitton on the 4th inst., on the body of a boy named Mark Whitlock, who was killed on the previous day. It appeared that deceased, who was about 12 years old, was in charge of a horse and a cart belonging to Mr Arthur Parsons, for whom he worked, and that he had just taken some hay to the sheep. He then went to his master for instructions, and was requested to take the horse to the farmyard. Very shortly afterwards Mr Parsons was alarmed by his shepherd, and on looking round saw that the horse had run away, and was going towards an open gate which led into the road. The cart was brought into violent contact with one of the gate posts and was upset. The deceased was thrown out, and the side of the cart struck his head, fracturing the skull. He was immediately extricated, but was quite insensible, and only breathed once after the cart was removed. He had been accustomed to go with the horse which had never run away before. Verdict – Accidental Death.

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