Harris, Charles

Harris, Charles            1869 September 11th         Winterbourne Earls

An inquest was held by Mr Wilson, at the Salisbury Infirmary, on Monday evening, on the body of Charles Harris, aged 30 years, who died on Monday morning from the effects of the injuries he sustained by the wheel of a cart passing over his body on Thursday, the 26th August.

The deceased was a labourer in the employ of Mr Godwin, and on the day mentioned he was in charge of a horse and cart, and was riding on the cart, although he had no reins. On passing some others of Mr Godwin’s labourers, one of them, named Sheppard, struck the horse with a stick, which caused it to quicken its speed, and eventually to run away. Deceased, in endeavouring to jump from the cart fell down, and the wheel passed over his body.

The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death,” accompanied by a strong expression of their disapprobation of the foolish conduct of Sheppard in striking the horse.

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