Hayter, Ann

Hayter, Ann         1877 December 8th            Upper Wallop

Yesterday morning an inquest was held by Mr G Smith, city coroner, at the Infirmary, respecting the death of Ann Hayter, who died under the following circumstances.

The deceased resided at Upper Wallop, and she was admitted into the Infirmary on the 4th of this month, and she lived until the middle of the night. It appears that she was invited by a Mrs Horshall into her house to chop some sticks. Mrs Horshall had occasion to leave the house, and the neighbours were alarmed by the screams of deceased. They immediately went into the house, and found deceased in flames. The neighbours procured assistance, and endeavoured to put out the flames. Medical assistance was procured, and she was admitted into the Infirmary.

Mr James Kelland, the resident medical officer of the Salisbury Infirmary, gave evidence as to deceased being admitted into the Infirmary, and said he examined her and found she was burnt over a considerable portion of the body, especially at the lower part of the trunk, and under her arm pits. The skin in many places was completely destroyed. She lived till 1.30 of the morning of the 5th. In his opinion the injuries received and the shock were sufficient to cause death.

Robert Court said that he resided at Upper Wallop and by trade was a carpenter. His house was situated next to Mrs Horshall’s where deceased died. On the 4th he heard screams proceeding from his neighbour’s house. His mother asked him what it was, and he said, “I suppose it’s Ann in a fit,” and in reply she said, “she is by herself, for Mrs Horshall is gone into my room.” They both then went into Mrs Horshall’s house, and found deceased on the floor burning. Deceased had been subjected to fits, but he could not say if she was in a fit then, but when he extinguished the flames by means of tearing up the carpet in the room and rolling them on her, she began to repeat verses, something she generally did when in a fit, and he believed her to be then in a fit. He went and fetched a can of linseed oil and poured over her, and Dr Woods was procured, and deceased was driven in a carriage to the Infirmary.

Jane Hayter, also of Upper Wallop, sister of the deceased, said she had been subjected to fits for more than 20 years. She came with her to the Salisbury Infirmary. Deceased was 58 years of age this month. Every precaution was taken in bringing her from Upper Wallop to the Infirmary.

In answer to a question from a juror, she said the distance from Upper Wallop to Salisbury was 12 miles.

It was mentioned that the medical gentleman ordered stoppages on the road for brandy and water for deceased.

Robert Court, recalled, said Mrs Horshall had told him that after deceased had cut up some sticks, she invited her into the sitting room to stay the afternoon with her and have a cup of tea. Mrs Horshall went out, and deceased must have fallen into the fire.

The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental Death.”

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