Long, Francis

Long, Francis       1884 August 9th             Frome

On Friday evening last an inquest was held at the Frome Union Workhouse by Mr Muller, coroner, on the body of Francis Long, aged 58, the male imbecile attendant at that institution, who died on Wednesday night from the result of injuries self inflicted on the Sunday week previous.

The inquiry was a long and searching one in consequence of rumours (for which there appeared not the lightest foundation) that he had committed the rash act because his wife was jealous of him. Certain accusations made in connection with the workhouse somewhat preyed on his mind. Of late he had complained of pains in his head, and had acted in a strange manner. On Monday week he was found lying on his bed with his throat cut, a large pool of blood being on the floor, and his razor on the table.

The jury, after a very brief deliberation, returned a verdict to the effect that deceased committed suicide while in an unsound state of mind.

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