October 29, 2007 at 3:24 am (Uncategorized)

TOLD YOU I’M GONNA BE JUST FINE TODAY. šŸ˜€ 17 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:) force a smile.

October 28, 2007 at 10:52 am (Uncategorized)

I am strooooooooooooooooooooooooong. Very strong indeed. Tomorrow will be a better day. šŸ˜€ HAHA i am so cliche. Today is a bummer. Mom is being an anal. Umm yes.. the rest is just.. something i must get used to. šŸ˜‰ Why do I always feel like I’m in a mess. It’s like everything is fucked up. oh yey, i just said that word. -_-” It’s oooook Elena (me). Eventhough everyone seems so alien to me right now, they soon will be gone or I will finally get used of it. šŸ™‚ & someday I will find my life. šŸ˜€

Even if I’m not the one who makes you smile anymore, I am always here if you don’t know. šŸ™‚

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22 more days! The little voice in my heart won’t let me forget.

October 24, 2007 at 5:41 am (Uncategorized)

Omg. 22 more days! 22 more days! I cannot wait I cannot wait! *screams* I just need something to do now before i go up my room because I am awfully bored. After 22 days then I’ll be free like mad person freed from jail!

The first thing I’m going to do is drag Krystal to the mall and watch movie with me PLUS pop corn. Oh the joy! I even know what kind of movie i wanna watch! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA definitely not scary one. And and and and and… i am gonna get a new piercing, even though i have done it like 3 times. Err.. it’s gone now because i did not took care of it. APAKAN? TOOK CARE OR TAKE CARE. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! TOOK CARE. sounds so funehhhhh! I am actually laughing at myself here in front of the laptop. Oh idiot. LOL!

I am going to trim my front hair too! It’s like total crap and out of place and it’s getting on my nerve. I think I will dye my hair with Krystal too. *big smile* if she gonna do it in salon that is.

I got so much thing to do but I lack of money. -_-” I got no 10 dollar bill in the treasure box already. Dammit, why do I keep spending my money but I have no idea what I spent it on. I think.. I spent it all on every little stuff and i don’t keep track of it.

Well, my mom never wants to use her money on me. Even the foods, she’ll be like “3 dollars limit” and when i wanna drink.. “drink need one dollar”. Bitch can. Then yesterday she took my last twenty dollar from my treasure box for her damn phone bill. If i actually use 10 dollar of her money, she’ll keep asking till I’ll lose my head. I shall start keeping coins. My new maid is hunting for coins all around the house AND SHE CAN ACTUALLY COLLECT 5 DOLLAR TO BUY HER EASI CARD. WHOAAA LA.

Whereas my dad…………………. *no comment* i think the total expenditure for this year is more than his revenue. ( Sorry, Econs in me have not been digested fully yet, soon. ) Thank goodness i don’t have to pay any more school fee! I don’t have to keep asking him already. Plus, I think I’ma gonna quit Chemistry tuition. I’ve been absent quite a lot already anyway and if i do go again, I’ma have to pay 80 dollar.

This post is a post about money ranting. -_- wtf. At the age of 17, to rant about money is a bit unusual isn’t it. =/ Should stop.

ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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Protected: I just don’t get it.

October 20, 2007 at 6:19 am (confused)

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Can I use But or And at the beginning of a sentence?

October 19, 2007 at 3:07 pm (Rants)

I didn’t go online today. OK, i did. But not at night. Can I actually start a sentence using BUT or AND? Tell me about it. Edwin? Javian? Junpei? Ok. You three are the only one who knows this blog. Lol. For now at least.. Well, Krystal can’t come online so yeah. Wait, where was I? Oh ok, as I was saying i didn’t went online. And the reason is because I tried to study Economics. It was a torture because I tried so hard to keep my self focused but some how the mobile, mirror and everything in my room fascinates me somehow. I mean, i get distracted by all these little little things. -_-”

I permed my hair today BTW. I kind of actually liked it. I thought I would look silly in it (maybe I am now) but I decided to curl it anyway because I was getting so awfully bored with my semi straight hair. ha ha.

I cannot wait to show it off to Krystal. And i cannot wait till KRYSTAL’S BIRTHDAY! Oh the joy! I will be going to have lunch in Empire with her! And Michie. Plus, her family too. =) Then later, we’ll head to the mall to catch moooooooooovie. =D Maybe I should force Oricle to join us even though he said he doesn’t want to spoil the bonding moment between Krystal, Michie and I. šŸ˜› Will see. Krystal and Michie will annoy him to hell anyway if he don’t come with us. I GUESS? That normally will happen unless Oricle looks scary to them or something which I don’t think so..

HEY I HAVENT STARTED A PASSWORD PROTECTION POST YET. *big smile* This means, I’m in a content mood yeah. Right, shouldn’t have said that. Dad is annoying.

You know, I hate it when i was about to off the laptop and he will scream at me to go off? SHEESH. YEAH I KNOW.


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Quite fun. HAHA

October 18, 2007 at 2:01 pm (Uncategorized)

Also, i think i can use this blog to let my boring inner self a break and not hide it. Not that I was interesting all along.. HAHA!! So here starts my ranting. I HAVEN’T START STUDYING FOR MY O’LEVEL. Crap, and i still have the feeling of using internet in ease! This is so wrong. I think, there must be something wrong with my nervous system. It’s not working! =/

I kind of screwed my Biology practical badly. HA! The iodine actually spilled on my paper and thus, half of it is black. Damn paper, why does it have to contain starch?! Dammit Dammit Dammit!

Krystal and Javian laugh their ass off when I told them that. -_-” sigh.

Also, I was just getting annoyed earlier on. ha! I just left my phone totally in my room. The reason is because just now, i couldn’t answer the call of that person whose calling. Then, after few seconds, when I tried to call the person back, it’s engage. OK THAT’S PRETTY FAST.

I am not angry now already. Not that I was. The word “angry” is just too strong. But what else? Frustrated? OK, then. Still, I don’t think that’s the word. It’s just something like i just go

“WHAT!? OH FINE. Sheeesh!” *ignores the phone and starts running down the stairs*

=) ok. I think, i should go up and study now. ECONOMICS FOR THE WIN. I’m gonna get A. *big snobby smile* ( just a motivation BTW. ) Haha!

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October 18, 2007 at 1:42 pm (Uncategorized)

Fun. A blog which I can put password protection. I wish i know about this wordpress earlier when i started blogging. Dammit. I can’t delete my current blog which is,

Ā www.because-of-youu.blogspot.com .

I just can’t? Lol. Because I have been blogging there for more than a year, and I don’t just want to delete it. =/Ā  Get me?

Oh well! SO.. this blog is for me to put on private post with password protected which I would give certain people password to read it, IF i think it’s ok for them to read and I like them. haha. But sometimes, it’s better left unread by people. BAH! Don’t know what I’m saying. -_-”

Till then, bye!

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