
Do you LOVE BOOKS as much as I do?

If you do, then this is a home business that you will enjoy. Bookwise has been created to help those of us who love to read and share books to finally make some money at it.

I just joined Bookwise last week and I quickly filled out my profile page and GUESS WHAT (yes, I’m yelling ’cause I’m excited!!!) My Bookwise page is #4 on Google for the search term, you guessed it, Bookwise!

How much of a geek am I that this got me so excited? I had this silly grin on my face when I saw it.

Go see before it disappears:

Google Search: Bookwise

But seriously, I am excited about the potential for this business. Stay tuned for more good news.

Come visit my Bookwise page.

Published in: on April 6, 2007 at 4:34 pm  Comments (1)