Let's Get Honest! Absolutely Uncommon Analysis of Family & Conciliation Courts' Operations, Practices, & History

Identify the Entities, Find the Funding, Talk Sense!

Look Who’s Been Building Arizona’s BioScience/Behavioral Science ECONOMIC, ACADEMIC & COMMUNICATIONS Ecosystem | ‘School of Mind Brain and Behavior’ at Univ. of Arizona, (cited in an NIJ Report by AFCC-Loyal Associate Prof. Connie J.A. Beck, Ph.D. (Psych.) (Started Nov. 13, Publ. Dec. 11, 2019).

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My prior post,most of it with this dark yellow background,

basically listed upcoming ones, with today’s post,

as #2 in the pipeline.  Today’s post generated another one (“Three Tax-Exempt Cummings Entities,” link provided at the bottom of this one) which isn’t on that list, as I took a closer look.

Today’s post gives more details, like EIN#s and links to more information, on a certain Flinn Foundation and the Thomas R. Brown Foundations’ (plural) plans for Southern Arizona — commenting on how that seems organized — and checks back in on the “Nicholas A. Cummings” connection to Arizona Behavioral Health “stuff” as well as to fixing (sic) our (sic) family court systems, adding key details to what I’d blogged (about seven) years ago.

Today’s post also contains some reminders on the necessity for high-speed internet infrastructure, who’s been investing in this, and an example from California (“CENIC”) of how wealthy individuals or entrepreneurs (there, a medical doctor) can and sometimes do take control of an infrastructure, set up multiple nonprofits to which their own profits are donated, and seek to construct regional hubs, planned development, for their personal priorities and projects, involving universities, foundations, federal funding, of course high-capacity, high-speed communications (internet and other).

ANY post (or page) may be further edited (as in, condensed, or expanded, or both) after publishing. Blogger’s privilege! This one will have (soon) some tags, and a few more images referenced in the text, but not included yet.  That said, I do provide links throughout.

//LGH Dec 11, 2019

 For the Southern Arizona region, I found one long-term CEO of a major community foundation (J. Clinton Mabie) ALSO on a separate entity, “Sun Corridor, Inc.” [About, Investors-Partners page] (I’ve seen but not yet researched) which its websites say are also working on an airport [see “TUS Blueprint” link] to access the region.  From what I can tell on the entity’s website, this is functioning as a type of “business roundtable” for regional planning, where the top infrastructure owners meet among themselves, claiming to represent “the people” when it comes to development. The total planning of course involves many nonprofits, energy companies, and healthcare providers… This then brings up (to me) the concept — if these leaders are representing all those (85,000 was the number claimed here) employees and the government funds associated with them and infrastructures they use — then who do the state legislators and county supervisors, municipal leaders (mayors, boards, etc.) represent — really?

While I’m not covering it in this post, I am flagging it here for future reference  and FYI.

TheECONOMIC, ACADEMIC & HIGH-SPEED INTERNET” phrase in my post’s of its long, winding title, signals more specifics of this “AzBio” ecosystem and source of some of the sponsoring wealth involved here.  Along with the “health/pharmaceutical/bio-science” parts (intersecting with medical or other doctorate-level scientists — PhDs and MDs– working at universities or corporations) such an ecosystem is going to involve major communications infrastructure and computer databases to hold and crunch the data, especially when this gets into the fields of genomics, epigenetics, and personalized medicine based on that.  This post provides points of reference for that infrastructure, in body text and more details as a footnote.

Separately, this phrase in my post’s title “(..|cf.  ‘School of Mind Brain and Behavior’ at Univ. of Arizona,** (see 2011 NIJ-Grant-Funded Report by AFCC-Loyal Assoc. Prof. Connie J.A. Beck, Ph.D. (Psych.)refers to a mixture of career psychologists** whose collective attempts seek to affiliate with anything “neuro-” or some better respect for their work derived from the innate respect granted scientists and doctors, AND to provide some scientific basis for their accessing the primary healthcare infrastructure with its mainly medical/ surgical/ pharmaceutical basis. It’s about perception and co-location for professional (business) reasons.

I’ve covered the Arizona/AFCC/psychologist-behavioral health connections at length in recent posts, but this post also brings in, specific to the state of Arizona, a set of family-controlled foundations (most, but not all located in nearby Nevada) with (lifelong, it seems) specialization in mental health/behavioral health fields and promoting opportunities for professionals in that field, in addition to belated (2012ff) involvement in the family court systems also, including with supposed advocates for battered mothers…

Generally, the mixture of career psychologists’** collective attempts seek to affiliate with anything “neuro-” or anything producing by association better respect for their work can be seen in choice of “lingo” jargon, or specific vocabulary to reference their own work, as exhibited often by AFCC members in academia or outside it:  clinical, forensic, etc. and sporting extra certifications and accreditations as post-degree acronyms.***  For the latter, proliferating sub-specialties and associations to promote each of them (i.e., publishing, conferencing) seems essential to the professions; producing more “cites” for members.

**(Including many who will be AFCC loyal and interested in the family court systems & abuse prevention — but also able to get federal grants by virtue of their stated research, testing, or evaluation interests).

***(Itself a whole tax-exempt-association, cross-country professional sector within the field, promoted in part, I found again, by the APA (American Psychological Association) itself).  cf. “ABPP” and the “specialty of “CFP” (Couple & Family Psychology), one among many, I found.  With any specialty, there’s often an associated training or licensing organization, which I gather is where AACFP (“The American Academy of CFP”) comes in…

A doctorate level achievement is one thing; but extra certification by private membership organizations set up to promote and elevate specific specialities within psychology takes group self-promotion to a whole new level.

Among those promoting the practice (of adding doctorates, adding specialties within psychology) originally and (I see, now again, separately — based on his own model) is Nicholas A. Cummings (b. 1924). He describes being conscious of helping (his colleagues) getting the doctorate level degrees (back in the late 1960s forward) through independent schools of professional psychology set up to do just that, as well as some of the certifying associations.  See images in this section, and I have more at the bottom of this post.   (Cummings Foundations are addressed in this post, and in the updates (there’ve been new ones since) I found it necessary to add a spin-off post on what wouldn’t fit onto this one.

So overall, we have here a mixture of major need for money, smart people, capital, ongoing access to public resources, and of course super-power internets and computers.  THAT’s why I put the words “internet” in there, and because one of the [actually, all the TRB] foundations (Thomas R. Brown) providing some of the private capital here got its wealth from the field of transistors and semiconductors in the first place and has tag-teamed with the Flinn Foundation (basis of wealth, medical/cardiologist) to work through the community foundation (CFSAz.org) and the University of Arizona, to turn “Arizona” into a thriving “bioscience”  economic infrastructure.

Economic (in the post title) is of course, public/private and while the public is tax-exempt as government, the private sector major wealth often seeks tax-exempt or tax-accountability-avoiding places to stow its money. In our age, we know also that much of this wealth comes specifically with the engineers of the current age of internet and communications infrastructure in the first place:  those who own the assets get to charge and determine how much to restrict access for them. A footnote here gives more specific context.

As I said above, then Today’s post gives more details, like EIN#s and links to more information, on a certain Flinn Foundation and the Thomas R. Brown Foundations’ (plural) plans for Southern Arizona — commenting on how that seems organized — and checks back in on the “Nicholas A. Cummings” connection to Arizona Behavioral Health “stuff” as well as to fixing (sic) our (sic) family court systems. It adds follow-up from when I blogged it many (about seven) years ago.

WHY CUMMINGS? Nicholas A. Cummings is in his 90s now and probably no billionaire like other involved famous private foundations or community foundations nationwide.

The “Cummings connection,” besides linking to Arizona generally also links specifically to the family court systems which, overall, are intent on integrating behavioral modification ecosystem and getting the public to fund it also.  The Cummings Foundation also connects historically since at least as far back as spring 2012 to the still-active coalition of “Fix the Flawed Practices / Handle Domestic Violence IN the (Broken, Unsafe, etc.) Family Courts” self-selecting professionals and their ragtag (for the most part — if you look and list ’em all in a row) nonprofits which provide media sound-bytes to make them sound more important.  So yes, this topic is a “Family Court Matter.”

As a whole, this Ecosystem, like air and water quality, should be monitored and noticed, not just inhaled and drunk indiscriminately. HOW individuals setting it up choose to reveal or conceal their own financials is a key to the character and intents of the same.  Altruistic?  Hardly.  Transparent? Not at all.  Accountable to the public? How could they be, in this manner?

Preview: Cummings Foundations:

(Links to websites and tax returns are further below in this post, not here)

One thing I didn’t do years ago but have here, is actually look and link to/post, for the evidence of the claimed support by Cummings Foundation to Arizona State University’s doctorate program in the field.  I didn’t then but did now, find the EIN#s and look up and post the tax returns.  While showing them here, what else I found required a spin-off post (“up next,” link provided at the bottom of this one)….

The website mentioned “Cummings Foundation for Behavioral Health” and the Cummings Foundation, so I went for both of them.  Website did NOT mention that the former is being funded by another organization (“American Endowment Foundation“) in Ohio and has invested in some real estate in Nevada, and that its (CBFH’s) major “asset” category by far (making it look so big) is “Pledges and grants receivable.”)

First Reactions, this round: Now that I have found this, I see some real slick moves, typical for the nonprofit field, designed to wear out anyone who actually intends to connect the dots, let alone (God help ’em if they do) show them to anyone else in linear, graphic, or any other visual form.


Part of Policy is Keeping Comprehension Caste-Specific (away from Common Understanding).

Without Understanding the Bedrock of this Ecosystem,

(Family Court) Reform Movements are on Built on Shaky Ground and

Likely to either “Run Out of Gas” or simply Lose the Race.#

# Is this unintentionally losing the race or in fact “throwing the race” for ultimate personal (and professional gain?  People need to develop some ways to tell the difference.  I’ve already stated where I stand on that issue:  A good-faith effort doesn’t involve chronic censorship; I’ve identified the chronic censorship..##

## Primarily of the existence of the AFCC and who else networks with it while not mentioning this to their own clients or on their own websites, generally;  also of the influence of the US DHHS Welfare Reform Policies to run curricula for system change to promote “responsible” fatherhood and marriage, while tossing also billions of dollars over the years (but it seems, in far smaller amounts) towards any and all “domestic violence advocacy” nonprofits which, apparently, agree NOT to divulge the scope and practices (similar to their own practices, different scope and size of funding streams) of the fathers’ rights groups, both public and private in origin.

Seeing the infrastructures of the family court reform movement continue to embed themselves in the overall “behavioral health” system with its huge resources (based on the tax base and employer/employee relationships the infrastructure owners, typically, are NOT subject to themselves), I am increasingly conscious that we are running out of time to address that problem, and it IS a problem when the infrastructure is so interconnected no individuals can withstand it — even as they’re being billed for it collectively and, if caught in the net, privately too, family by family or at times, one by one.

I have also on this blog, several times, identified how that tactic aligns with WHO and UN goals, particularly some years ago the “HiAP” (Health in All Policies) standards, searchable on this blog.

My own personal clock is also running out of time to keep reporting on it from “behind the lines” for so many years.  I’m only still in the game, most likely, because as a mother I do care about what lies ahead for my own children and with empathy for what lies ahead for others who never “get” what happened between the 1950s – 2025 {<~~by now, many strategic plans look forward to that year} to establish USA’s mental health archipelago, and the family courts as islands within it, by specific governmental functions, incrementally colonizing other countries (like reverse-colonization to the UK, Canada and Australia, it seems) to the same standards, and the vehicles for doing so, the private tax-exempt associations in collaborative efforts.

Again, SYSTEMWIDE, the main target is the US taxpaying public and its ever-flowing resources, and for this purpose also undermining basic jurisdiction and rule of law through international “functionalism” of which you can hardly find a better example than the AFCC organization, even as small a fiscal footprint as it makes.  In this operational sphere, again, “Cummings” activities and entities (and, active within both Arizona and Nevada across different entities and (I learned on this recent “check-in” on their statuses), having spun off from their former sponsorship of a “doctorate of behavioral health” (DBH) at Arizona State University, is a part of this landscape, with the primary background of its founder, our mid-ninety-year old Nicholas A. Cummings  being “psychology.”

[FamilyCourtMatters.org tags error:  I somehow got the middle initial as “J.” not “A.” in my mind over time, therefore there are some tags which read “Nicholas J. Cummings,” whether or not such a person exists.  “A.” is the correct middle initial from what I can see, but if you wish to use tags on this blog for that information, keying in a “J.” may bring up some older posts with otherwise good information.]

My original post (this one) started here:

If posts are babies, I’ve been stuck too long in labor over a certain one.  As I mentioned in my last post (Posts in the Pipeline, published Dec. 1), it appears to have been, in fact triplets — make that quadruplets, four in the series so far — and I wasn’t on any fertility drugs, either — just continuing to do the drill-downs and lookups, especially where featured organizations fail to show their own financials on colorful websites featuring how great they are, which is generally echoed, of course, by any local recipient university or community foundation…. This is the first of those four.  That I actually get to all of them is a qualified statement; as I said, there are labor pains (and I have other life situations to handle, always…)  [See title of this post, above]

The intro migrated at about the point I followed up, again, on the Nicholas A. Cummings Foundation’s activities in Arizona (though being based, per its website, in Nevada).  This longstanding entrepreneur for the cause (of psychology, psychotherapy and integration of behavioral health into the primary healthcare level) gentleman who was 86 in 2010, has been APA President and worked 1959-1979 for Kaiser Permanente HMO, (Chief of Mental Health)*… has intersected with personnel involved in coaching and advocating (so it’s said) for battered mothers with custody challenges as far back as 2012.

I discovered this initially (and wrote it up at once, as best I could nearly eight years ago) in April 2012, after a conference in March, 2012. (Check my Table of Contents pdf for those years, or March & April, 2012 on “Archives” function).

*VoicesOfChange.net, context NARTH, about 2005.

(Some images refer to prior posts relating to Cummings entities:  exact links coming, although you can locate them from this info also.  These are images taken from a pdf-version of tables of contents.  See my Sticky Posts to access (Go-To: Current Posts widget on sidebar; date-range here is 2012-2016 you can see):

While generally aware of these matters, I wasn’t aware of the University of Arizona School of Mind, Brain, and Behavior listed above and its backers, including the Flinn Foundation and (with related boards of directors) the Thomas R. Brown Foundations (plural, and I discovered within just two days — by reading a single tax return — THREE of them, and a local community foundation) which pair HEALTH interests (including Behavioral Health) with wealth developed from a corporation manufacturing parts for the semiconductor industry (before that, transistors), i.e., things high-capacity, inter-university consortia “internet access” are obviously going to be involved in major health care transformations and operations.

Similar, not identical:  I discovered this also surrounding California’s High Speed Networks (CENIC, CalREN) as I blogged earlier.**  The owner of a significant part of this planned to centralize operations in (as I recall) Oceanside, California, to build up the “biosphere” there.  The wealth came from a single doctor’s fantastically successful medication; he bought up the infrastructure in 2011.

(**Among other posts, mentioned, July, 2019, here: CENIC!! (Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California). And National LambdaRail + the New Owner of the Los Angeles Times: My 2019 {{~~ CENIC Notes and Updates.  (short-link ends “-aed”).  This post, as sometimes happens, came out of the bottom half of another; this time, the bottom half of my Table of Contents (2017, I believe it was).  In such moves, I tend to do more investigation and add updates, which is where the billionaire doctor buying an entire network (National LambdaRail or “NLR,”) connecting universities and research institutions comes up. This quote from (Wikipedia, and my July 13, 2019 post on CENIC, from its “Updates” section) may explain the relevance to THIS post:

In November 2011 the control of NLR was purchased from its university membership by a billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong for $100M, who indicated his intention to upgrade NLR infrastructure and repurpose portions of it to support an ambitious healthcare project through NantHealth.[6] The upgrade never took place. NLR ceased operations in March 2014.[7][8][9][10]

and, from this article (I previously posted and include again below on this post, in a footnote: keep reading):

How Washington’s favorite cancer fighter helps himself :Patrick Soon-Shiong is a philanthropist and a businessman. But a prime target of his philanthropy is his businesses.”  4/19/2017.  Great graphic (appropriate, and it moves).

…But Soon-Shiong’s research foundation — called the Chan Soon-Shiong NantHealth Foundation, after his wife — hardly resembles the Howard Hughes or any other grant-making charity. A POLITICO investigation found that the majority of its expenditures flow to businesses and not-for-profits controlled by Soon-Shiong himself, and the majority of its grants have gone to entities that have business deals with his for-profit firms.

The deals have raised alarms among some tax specialists, who question Soon-Shiong’s use of tax-free dollars to boost the bottom lines of his for-profit businesses. The deals also cast a sharp spotlight on the man who seeks to be the public face of emerging cancer treatments and a major player in Washington’s battles over federal research spending.

Comment:  That could be said of many foundations and their founders.  This one has attention possibly because of the subject matter and because it’s so dramatic.  Not many medical doctors become billionaires, but this one did.

There, as here, a drill-down showed many overlapping financials. I’m including a big portion of this post as a footnote to retain the interactive links (rather than my usual practice of enclosing images of former post’s text (which would obviously not have active links where links exist in the original). Besides that, see also Footnote: HIGH-SPEED/CAPACITY INTERNET INFRASTRUCTURE & Big Pharma/Health Regional Hubs (Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, and the demise of National LambdaRail), below.

When you then read in this post or through some of its internal links, about the background (transistors/semiconductors) of the Thomas R. Brown Foundations (and its founder’s life’s work), you can better see why owning the communications infrastructure in creating any major research hub involving big-pharma AND universities makes sense, from the developers’ standpoint.

That footnote also mentions AzBIO membership organization, which comes up here, too.

AZBio History

Fascinating material.  (Please click to read).  If I could clone myself (or hire some interns!) I’d stay on the topic; it’s a good-to-know-about field. I looked at AzBIO this round, found it to be not that large, but its national organization is, as I recall, influential.  Big-time…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I think, taken as a whole, these are things to watch.  We can make a specific connection at several points to the family court systems themselves, which feature and promote work for psychologists and mental health specialists, overall, through both the Cummings and now, at least one professor who’s had a long work life at a single state university, and is  known “AFCC.”

SEVERAL INVOLVED TAX-EXEMPT FOUNDATIONS (Flinn & Thomas R. Brown (2 foundations), CFSA + CFSA Properties) are interlaced and interlocked in their funding:

I looked up the financials and websites and reviewed them, as listed in this inset. As a reminder, this began with learning how Flinn Foundation sponsored (ca. 2009ff?) the University of Arizona School of Mind, Brain and Behavior where we found the loyal (but not divulging this on the NIJ-funded report, just on home faculty page) AFCC psychologist, Dr. Connie Beck.  Looking up the origins or even the name of this particular school led to reports on the sponsoring foundation; the sponsoring foundation’s website quickly showed itself reluctant to post its financials.  

Predictably, in such situations, I then went looking for them, and questioned why such an entity would wish to promote so much, but withhold basic information about itself.

  • The Arizona University School of Mind, Brain and Behavior, cited as one of three schools (the other, also at Arizona University and a third at Cal-State, Fullerton) for five authors on a Dec. 2011 NIJ report “Intimate Partner Abuse in Divorce Mediation:  Outcomes of a Long-Term, Multi-Cultural Report”  (Doct: 236868, found at NCJRS) (Connie Beck, AFCC…)
  • One of that school’s backers and how backed  (an article from 2009), the Flinn Foundation (gross assets over one-quarter million dollars, held in public-traded securities,
  • AzBio, one of the membership organizations used for its promotion of BioIndustry startups (I.e., biomedical science, incl. Pharma) in Arizona, though itself small ((AzBio, EIN#_____, [pdf to be uploaded soon] Files Form 990Os, tax return says started in 1998) ) showed (at the tax return level) membership in a much larger one, “BIO,” I ran across years ago because it was so (damn) large and Rx-pushing.    (Flinn Foundation source of wealth:  a successful cardiologist and his wealthy (so it notes) wife).
    • The foundation website doesn’t help reader locate its financials and only posts (as I recall) a single, summary page of them on an Annual Report… It’s EIN# 860421476, and I’ve posted three years of Forms 990 below.
  • One of the Flinn Foundation’s wealthy collaborating foundations (NEITHER posted financial statements openly):  Thomas R. Brown Foundations in Tucson, Arizona (source of wealth semiconductors).  Thomas J. Brown Foundations (plural — one operates through a donor-advised fund) with a good back-story of its founder (the history of the semiconductor industry I find always interesting….for both personal and “California” reasons). Thomas R. Brown (1926-2002)
    • Thomas R. Brown Foundations has a colorful website — and doesn’t post its financials.  Nor does the Flinn Foundation website talking about their collaboration. The TRB Family Foundation is EIN#860933380 (IRS return FYEJun30 2018), but it also works, say the summaries, through the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona (EIN#942681765)
    • Look at the “Sched R” to see three “related” entities, two of them at the same PO Box in Tucson as the filing organization, two of them named “Thomas R. Brown. making three bearing that name, so far.”  The info. is spread out in different places on the return, however at least FY2017 (YE Jun 2018), this one {Thomas R Brown Family Private Foundation PO Box 31930 Tucson, AZ [EIN#] 55-0899701} (<~I looked up its latest (FY2017 YE DEC) Form 990PF, which showed the same amount granted to the other Family Foundation) granted $2.010M to the filing entity, which then “supported” Community Foundation for Southern Arizona with a $290K grant (of its other grants, $172K went to Flinn Foundation (members in common) and $1M+ to University of Arizona Foundation.  I provided the links to both within this square.

Spelling this out again, with some images:  Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation is EIN#550899701, and shows (for the year linked above), a Form 990PF of which it overspent by about $1M (Expenses that much larger than Revenues) while holding assets of about $44M. Scrolling through this (or any) Form 990PF, the details are filled in behind the Summary info on Page 1.  Page 1 shows a total of $2.05M “Contributions” (grants to others, as opposed to its own administrative expenses).

OF THIS $2.05M, $2.01M went to “Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation, EIN#860933380” and smaller amounts, elsewhere.  It being a Form 990PF, no EIN# needed to be entered for any of the grantees:  That form doesn’t solicit the information.  However, a Form 990 (2008ff at least) does request EIN# for each (U.S. domestic) grantee be provided, or indicate if it’s not a 501©3.

Where are most assets held?  Of the $44M (year-end) shown, and this being a Form 990PF, it must show, the record is $20M in “securities not for public trading” and $13M in “Mutual Funds.”

TRB Family PRIVATE Foundation (files 990PFs, Fiscal Year = Calendar year):

Total results: 3Search Again.

Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation AZ 2017 990PF 29 $44,452,638.00 55-0899701
Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation AZ 2016 990PF 26 $41,306,676.00 55-0899701
Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation AZ 2015 990PF 25 $41,221,688.00 55-0899701


EIN#860933380 Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation (showing it supports CFSA, the Community organization BUT it also granted $172K to “Flinn Foundation” as an “Interested Persons Transaction” because of board members in common.  Separately, it also shows two board members (with different last names) are sisters, and two others (men) have a business relationship

Total results: 3Search Again.

Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation AZ 2018 990 47 $10,174,090.00 86-0933380
Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation AZ 2017 990 48 $8,969,480.00 86-0933380
Thomas R. Brown Family Foundation AZ 2016 990 44 $9,597,336.00 86-0933380

Founded: 1998 in Arizona.  Website:  “Brownfoundations.org”  Fiscal year = Calendar Year; note for this one we have FY 2016-2018; but the other, only FY2015-2017 (on “Candid.org”)

Stated purpose on Page 1:

The Thomas R Brown Family Foundation promotes, encourages, and aids the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and other organizations in their charitable, scientific, qualified religious and educational activities

Community Foundation of (or “for”) Southern Arizona: (note: there’s an additional/related one for properties only; different EIN#… No Employees, acknowledges no website, EIN# searchable separately.  Not for explanation on this post (though I took a look)…

Total results: 6Search Again.

Community Foundation of Southern Arizona AZ 2017 990 130 $114,843,260.00 94-2681765
Community Foundation for Southern Arizona AZ 2016 990 92 $103,991,064.00 94-2681765
Community Foundation for Southern Arizona AZ 2015 990 86 $96,828,250.00 94-2681765

(Other entries by Candid.org on EIN# 860742820 show later years, but the name “CFSA properties” only on the “organization name” column.  Its total assets now much later as it donated $809K to the CFSA in subsequent years, manageable by selling received assets for a very low profit, and now claiming about that amount as its deficit.  Not to be untangled without the visuals in one’s face, which it’s not the function of this post to do…).  J. Clinton Mabie shown on both organizations’ directorships. State of Arizona Corporate Commission filings I’m sure would shed more light on the situation..)

Total results: 3Search Again. CFSA PROPERTIES, Inc. EIN#860742820, FY2016-2018 (FYE=June) 2018=990EZ, 

Cfsa Properties Inc AZ 2018 990EZ 17 $68,320.00 86-0742820
Cfsa Properties Inc AZ 2017 990 39 $68,320.00 86-0742820

Stated organization purpose (consistent over the years):

To encourage charitable giving to needy organizations of Southern Arizona

(Especially the CFSA with which it’s affiliated, tax returns shown above…)

Link to a CFSA Properties, Inc., tax return from FY2001  What it’s doing:  taking donations of non-cash (property), selling (most of) them, often mostly at a loss of nearly the price of property, giving the gross assets to the CFSA (which is a multi-million foundation), and showing a budgetary deficit … year after year.  Which raises the question, who’s getting (and who’s been off-loading) those nonprofit donations, often real estate, and getting a great deal on the prices?

As of FY2001 here, it was also holding onto (Ln. 57) Land worth $1.1M (NB: before 2008 recession) and showing its depreciation (for the buildings part), as well as investments in (Ln. 55a) “land, building or equipment” of about $31K not depreciating, categorized as land only.

Three officers listed then:  Phillip Amos, Fred Boice, and Morgan Maxwell.

Total results: 3Search Again. Flinn Foundation in Arizona, EIN# 860421476, FYE2015-2017, FY=Calendar Yr; filing 990PFs.

Flinn Foundation AZ 2017 990PF 36 $227,645,240.00 86-0421476
Flinn Foundation AZ 2016 990PF 50 $205,225,306.00 86-0421476
Flinn Foundation AZ 2015 990PF 50 $204,275,946.00 86-0421476
    • Brown Family Leaves Lasting Legacy on UA, Community  Over the years, the Thomas R. Brown Foundations have gifted more than $26.6 million to the UA.” Amanda BallardUniversity Relations – Communications Aug. 28, 2014 {<~~Poorly displayed on the university website, but full of background, and other points of reference about the fond relationship between the Browns’ progeny and this state-funded public university.

HERE’s a section on the Cummings Foundations, plural, clearly a less maintained website, but still a source of understanding of the mentality behind its founders intentions and historic behaviors, not to mention the nerve to try and direct a nation’s health care practices as a private individual using wealth acquired over many years…

I’m particularly opposed to the “Our Broken Courts Family Initiative” conference then being turned into a book and marketed, after (so it was said) proposals circulated to every member of Congress at the time for remedies to these poor, broken courts, although not made available for free (they “ran out” of free copies) to actual battered mothers who have as much as anyone, a need to know about what’s being planned for them from afar, THIS time round.

Found this image in blog library:

Link to Vol 14 Issue #1 (July 2013) of the AACFP newsltr, note Lenore Walker involvemt (past-president) is in a Domestic Violence Institute but the approach is from the field of psychology {This image was taken July 3, 2017 and may have been previously posted.//LGH Nov. 2019}.

That family court initiative book has been cited in this post (several times, I believe) and is associated with Nova Southeastern University (“School for Psychological Studies” shown above) in Florida, and as I recall Lenore E. Walker.

Another pdf — I see it was printed in 2014 — from my (WordPress) Media Library, and has an article on Cummings as well as ad for one of the conferences where HHS fatherhood/marriage grantees could hook up with program providers (that is, SmartMarriages.com), all of which had EVERYTHING to do with Welfare Reform and Access Visitation grants too… not that these individuals were discussing it openly or on-line in their broken family court conferences as a possible influence on those courts…and successful (not “broken”) in their purposes…  That pdf:

2002 FALL MiltonHErickson Newsltr Vol22-#3~3 (NickCummings Intv pp1,24 SMARTMARRIAGES ad, pg6-Browse! (starts on page one and an extended interview cont’d later in the newsletter).  He’s very much a story-teller and tells the story of how he got into psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, paratroopers and the “five-second talk” to get them to jump, not panic (which would cost them their lives after jumping), and having been flown into Buchenwald, who inspired him, and much more. Much of the newsletter talks about hypnosis and is obviously favorable towards it as part of “healing the whole person.” I have quoted this more than once before on the blog, however THIS time I intend to look more closely at the Cummings Foundations….

(Taken from a different post):
Besides all this I am also remembering, around 2012, a conference held in Arizona on “Our Broken Family Courts” and another well-placed professional/entrepreneur’s backing of a behavioral science sector at Arizona State University (Nicholas A. Cummings).

In other words, corporations holding assets in tax-exempt foundations backing university centers to “encourage” (attract, etc.) certain kinds of majors and specialities within the state college systems, through fellowships, etc.  I did not want to re-research that connection for these posts (it may already be on this blog, year 2012).

From a current search string, (Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Foundation grant for behavioral health to Arizona State)(<~to repeat the Google search), I see that this program was endowed in 2007 and has since moved (off-site, or to an independent nonprofit situation).

Relevance: Who Nicholas A. Cummings has been (including successor to Timothy J. Leary as head of Kaiser Mental Health), and his stated intent to get behavioral health interventions mainstreamed at the primary health care level, to preserve the professional (and further professionalize the field with advanced graduate degrees in it) of psychology.  The statue on the website is apparently a portrayal of a bronze statue of the goddess “Psyche” awarded if, in the eyes of the committee, it’s merited.

Per website “CummingsFoundation.org/about,” the foundation address shows Reno, Nevada (and no financials), started 1994, separate foundation 1995 (Cummings Foundation for Behavioral Health).  The “Family Court” conference is listed under “Conferences” (spanning about 1999-2005 at University of Nebraska-Reno and, notably, absent any links providing any validation about the conferences (the single link is just “UNR.edu” and the university home page).  A footnote, interesting timing as that was the same year of the “Broken Family Court Conference”

In 2012 it was deemed that psychology’s response to medicalization of mental health was too tepid as psychotherapy was being replaced by medication. The Cummings PSYCHE Award was concluded as the Foundation embarked upon a different and more aggressive and calculated course.

I would like to find out more about this foundation (starting with its Forms 990), and what happened to that endowed institute by this zealous advocate for his profession, for psychotherapy and for mainstreaming “behavioral healthcare” into primary healthcare, probably within universal healthcare (see:  Kaiser Permanent, Kaiser Foundations high-profile role in this, before, during and after the passage in 2010 of the Affordable Care Act (sometimes called “Obamacare”) during the first four years of our most recent former U.S. President.  The Cummings’ daughter Janet (Dr. Janet Cummings) is also involved.

A search of ASUnow.ASU.edu (I.e., Arizona State University) for “Nicholas A. Cummings” pulled up only three results, two regarding a conference (2013 and 2014) and one (2010) referencing a $3M contribution to establish the behavioral healthcare doctorate.  It’s a short article, fine-print (faded gray, now internal links) and the 2010 one mentions that he was 86 in 2010.  If he’s still (remarkably, somehow) alive with his wife or not, the chutzpah and impact should still be registered…  As well as salesmanship, and again, withholding of financials on a website advertising the foundations’ (Plural) accomplishments, in the most elementary form:

Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings have made a $3 million legacy gift to establish a state-of-the-art behavioral health program at ASU. The Nicholas A. Cummings Behavioral Health Program is housed in the School of Letters and Sciences on ASU’s Downtown Phoenix campus.

Cummings was the innovator behind the school’s new doctor of behavioral health (DBH) degree program, and created it with the intention of integrating all of the mental health professions – psychology, social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy – to train the behavioral health practitioner to practice in primary care and other medical settings and become an integral part of the nation’s health care system

Revisiting this post (after Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 2019) I located, it being on the “to-do” list for this post, the CFBH (Cummings Foundation for Behavioral Health, FY2017/YEDec, Filing a Form 990PF).  Even a quick glance shows immediately what it’s doing.

While displaying about $40M assets (and a similar amount liabilities), how those assets are characterized, and that its about $1.14M of “contributions” came mostly from two contributors — one another nonprofit in Ohio ($1.13M) and $10K even from an ‘NDC Enterprises’ co-located with the CFBH is odd, an “anomaly” and presents  is another major investigative task to first, untangle and second, narrate in coherent terms, which the tax returns, taken together, do NOT provide if taken at face value and individually rather than as a whole.  This then has to be put to the Secretary of State level filings in (at least) two states:  Nevada and Arizona.

What’s more, the arrogance of “the Cummingses” doesn’t even feel it necessary to post their own EIN#s or financials on any of their websites — and I found THREE of them in my drill-down within the last few days, those three relating to at least four more (NOT tax-exempt) entities in Nevada (often at the exact same addresses) labeled, starting each business name “NDC [fill in the blank:  LLC, LP, Inc. or some variety thereof] where it’s clear that “NDC” stands for Nick and Dorothy Cummings.

More to look up and a few questions, like why near the end of Calendar Year 2019, is there no return for FY2018 up at IRS.gov yet?  Was one filed? (etc.). In addition to questions like, is the guy still alive, and his wife?


(#1 of 3)  The N&DC Foundation, founded or Incorporated, 1994: 

Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Foundation is EIN# 88-0321190, per APPS.IRS.gov/app/eos/

From Candid.org, searched Dec. 5, 2019

Total results: 3Search Again. (N&DC Fndtn, EIN# 880321190, FYE=Dec.31, FYE 2015-2017 )

The Nicholas & Dorothy Cummings Foundation NV 2017 990PF 28 $27,288 88-0321190
The Nicholas & Dorothy Cummings Foundation NV 2016 990PF 29 $28,346 88-0321190
The Nicholas & Dorothy Cummings Foundation NV 2015 990PF 29 $19,843 88-0321190

Street address in 2017: 4781 Caughlin Parkway; In 2015: 561 Keystone Ave. #305, both in Reno.

Of note:  FY2015 (bottom row) shows inbound $239K from 3 different sources (per its Schedule B), all named “NDC” something, and $238K going out, i.e., “expenses,” leaving just the small amount shown above remaining ($19.8K, total gross assets) … In other words, the small assets (true in any situation) shown may cloud how much money and in what forms, is going through it each year.

[[Continued on another post still in draft, see below this section, just before “FOOTNOTE(s)”]]

(#2 of 3)  CFBH, founded or Incorporated, 2004:

CUMMINGS FOUNDATION FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, last three years.  notice any sudden changes on the amount of Total Assets from year to year? (Note: that column is total GROSS assets, and the “YR” means “YearEnd,” however all three Cummings Foundations are Calendar Year = Fiscal year.

Total results: 3Search Again. CFBH, EIN#300163951, FYE2015-2017, FY=Calendar Year, Filing 990PFs, in Nevada

Cummings Foundation for Behavioral Health NV 2017 990PF 31 $40,919,847.00 30-0163951
Cummings Foundation for Behavioral Health NV 2016 990PF 40 $42,919,377.00 30-0163951
Cummings Foundation For Behavioral Health NV 2015 990PF 40 $4,156,089.00 30-0163951

The earliest tax return I could easily access was for FY2007.  This mentions a “controlled entity” NDC Delta Realty, LLC about $1M held in Corporate Bonds “Investments” (not shown: for which corporations) and main  depreciation of “assets held not for investment” a building of over $1M.  Its only non-Cummings Board of Directors that year was William T. O’Donohue (paid just $32,000).  Main contributions came from two other “NDC” entities (total amount $110K) and under “Revenues” lists a negative net “rental income” of $118K, while under “expenses, Occupancy,” $148K, such that its total revenues (p.1 line 12) match its total expenses (line 26) to the exact dollar — an interesting feat when its main assets seem to be a building & some land.

That sounds a bit odd, so I’ve marked up the “guts” (Revs & Expenses, but not header) for this year’s tax return to illustrate.  No wonder the “net rental income” is overt $100K negative when whoever was being charged only paid $19,000 for the rental.  (Multi-image gallery, annotated).

style=”background-color: ivory; font-family: avenir next condensed; font-size: 14px;”>CFBH (EIN#300163951), Bd of Directors, 990PF, FY 2007


CFBH Bd, of Directors as shown below (FY2014) show one non-Cummings only, Linda Goddard.

[[Continued on another post still in draft, see below this section, just before “FOOTNOTE(s)”]]

(#3 of #3) Founded (Incorporated) Oct., 2014 in Nevada called just “CGI” and, apparently as a foreign entity (called CGI-BHS) then switched to a domestic one, in Arizona… (??).  

(I have some things to say and a few images to post about this most recent one, which is now also granting “Dr.” degrees (DBH) which have already been challenged at the state level (and won), so will repeat the tax return table after raising some of those points)…

Total Results: 3, Search Again: CGI-BH (actual name reads “for Behavioral Health Studies, Inc.”) EIN#47-2153698, FY2015-2017, FY=Calendar year, It’s filing Forms 990 (not 990PF).


A brief section with commentary and some images on CGI-BH.  I also have a follow-up post, so these comments are (despite having looked at it over a few days now) still “preliminary.”//LGH.

See “Summary disclaimer” in section below several images, in this color scheme.  These are a lot of entities and crossing two state’s business entity data as well as database Candid.org and database at IRS.gov; there seems some intent to conflate organization names across states, switch type of entity (from for-profit — with bare minimum start up capital (in one case, only $2.00; in another, only $75.00!) to not-for-profit) as well as the respective websites advertising under just ONE name, not necessarily the currently active legal name (or a legal dba), and posting NO financials there, which might confuse anyone.

If this were a graduate-level dissertation, or produced under contract, besides having a more uniform format, I’d straighten out this fully.  However, as things stand now, I’ve spent days studying the situation, have provided common-access links anyone else could fact-check, and do not have a photographic memory.  I am saying here, there are several red flags, anomalies, and seemingly contradictory-statements which I believe reflect the character of the founders and a less-than-public-interest mentality behind the whole operation.  Public interest doesn’t require this much machination and venue-switching.  I wonder what really happened at Arizona State University (where this seems to have started, with Cummings sponsorship) to have provoked, if it did, a separation.

Of interest: The one currently active in Arizona it started out in late (Oct. 26?,) 2014) as a for-profit business with total of 2 shares, total capital “$2.00,” incorporated by Janet L. Cummings.

Then in 2015 it somehow switched to non-profit, but then failed to send in either 2016 or 2017 annual financial reports to the State of Arizona (despite one warning followed by a certificate of   (______ revocation or whatever the term) for failure to file after which in 9/2017, an annual report for 2017 got it “reinstated” then, later, one for 2016 showed up too.  The filing fee was only $10.00, yet somehow it just didn’t bother — or didn’t want — to stay visibly active at the Arizona State level.

Separately, there was briefly a similarly named (also status revoked) entity in Nevada.  

Images below continue for the same entity, or one by the same name with the same EIN#, after which I’ve posted the more typical tax returns table (three years’ worth) for this blog. 

My Factual Accuracy Disclaimer for the above by-memory summary:

Without looking directly at a filing, live on the state level, I’m hard put to keep which is which straight even after a few days of looking right at them (however, the state-level filings, only  for part of yesterday, having started with the IRS filings first, which these tables reflect).

CGI-BHS EIN#472153698, per IRS, is still in Reno @ March 8, 2016 … Screen Shot 2019-12-08..

Feel free to fact-check yourself and try and keep this straight, between a second entity, similarly named, in a new state, first filing, then switching from for-profit to not-for-profit within a year, while (I see, still) somehow the IRS as late as 2016 had an identically named entity showing up with a Reno, Nevada Address (image within this paragraph) and compare to the two-image gallery immediately above, all three obtained this week from the IRS Exempt Organization Search database!  (which includes, for this filer, a letter acknowledging exempt status sent in 2016, as I said, for the same EIN# with an Arizona address, but acknowledging a Brett Sabatini as the agent (an agent for an organization is for service of process and must reside in the same state as its home legal domicile, among other things for service (“process servers”) if it’s subject of a lawsuit, i.e., being sued).

Either way, again (shown above also), here are the most recent tax tables found on “Candid.org” recent search:


[[Continued on another post still in draft, see below this section, just before “FOOTNOTE(s)”]]

There’s a lot more to this story, and I’ve been working on it at  separate post.  That post doesn’t yet have a name because I’m still at a loss how to put  all the key information expressing just what kind of mindset (unless basically a criminal one seeking to evade public accountability for the schemes) would be behind such a setup.

I can’t put all the entity names in the title (there are too many).  A nearly $3 billion-dollar Ohio foundation (or, more likely, a Donor-Advised Fund set up, possibly, by the Cummings family or someone in them) which functions as a “concierge service” for others’ financial advisors, including financial advisors for clients with their Donor Advised Funds held in other institutions) and was incorporate about the same time as the original “Nicholas & Dorothy Cummings Foundation” — that is, shortly before 1996 Welfare Reform (1993 and 1994, respectively).

When I get a title (i.e., am about to publish), I’ll put it here:  Meanwhile, this is the link (which’ll be active only when published):  http://wp.me/psBXH-bLg

And this is the current version of the title to go with it, marked “after Dec. 9, 2019” because I’m hoping to get THIS post out that date which for as I write is also “today”!

Three Tax-exempt Cummings Entities (Inc. 1994 and 2004 (co-located) in Reno, NV, and 2014 in Phoenix, AZ) and Their Family-Controlled Personal Agenda: Taking Former Arizona State U’s ‘DBH’ Accreditation International, Con’td. (Publ. soon after Dec. 9, 2019).


FOOTNOTE HIGH-SPEED/CAPACITY INTERNET INFRASTRUCTURE & Big Pharma/Health Regional Hubs (Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, and the demise of National LambdaRail)

This is a large chunk of information from my July 13, 2019 post on CENIC.  This section addresses how a doctor gained control of such a major communications infrastructure.

Keywords/Acronyms/People:  National LamdaRail (“NLR” 2003-2004 thru 2014), Darkstrand ([purchased capacity on NLR in 2008; sought a commercial availability of what the universities already had, but apparently with bad timing:  see “U.S./global 2008 recession”), GLIF (“Global Lamda Integrated Facility,” U.S./global 2008 recession, Patrick Soon-Shiong (purchased NLR for $100M in 2011, shut it down by 2014), CENIC (NLR operation services center transferred to CENIC in 2012 per Wikipedia) {{see rapid growth in assets on its tax tables below}}, NantHealth,

Glenn Ricart (Pres of Cenic only 2009 until he resigned in 2010), Louis Fox (now on there, as of this July 2019 post’s info).    Darius Tahir (writing for Politico on Soon-Shiong cancer drug and brand of philanthropy — towards his own companies…)


Total results: 3Search Again.

Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California CA 2017 990 50 $112,081,194.00 94-3289022
Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California CA 2016 990 40 $102,747,681.00 94-3289022
Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California CA 2015 990 34 $89,638,373.00 94-3289022

For comparison (excerpts may also be below), FY2006 (YE June) Tax return.

And on looking through the numbers again, remembering my earlier research, I also remember seeing some unusually HIGH profits, and the “National Lambdarail” (NLR) factor.  I googled “National LambdaRail” “highspeed internet or similar content after noticing (on the 2006 return) a $1,000 membership fee in NLR Inc.  I wanted to see NLR Inc.  An NLR, LLC was also mentioned, Level 3, CISCO, other names and concepts you may recognize.

I found a late 2011 report (The Cook Report, but posted at GLIF) on the ownership and odd behavior (regarding a SuperComputer conference).  Suggest, read the whole page:~~> “The Fate of LambdaRail:  He Who Has the Gold Makes the Rules“, posted at GLIF (Global Lambda Integrated Facility<~~About.  Good explanation for lay readers, like myself).  Click around and under stand that we are talking optical fibre, “lambda” refers to light wavelengths, and that GLIF came together (2001, 2002, 2003 conferences in: Amsterdam, Reykjavik, and Nottingham, England) in 2003; while CENIC earlier in 1998.  Internet2 is in Ann Arbor Michigan) still and shows up on the tax returns.

The following information may help understand several terms and at least one personality in the article, as a few years later (which this author caught wind of a few years earlier based on certain behaviors he or she (see article I DNR author  name at the moment)  been noticing.  Wikipedia on “NationalLambdaRail“:

National LambdaRail (NLR) was a 12,000-mile (19,000 km), high-speed national computer network owned and operated by the U.S. research and education community. In November 2011 the control of NLR was purchased from its university membership by a billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong. NLR ceased operations in March 2014.

How’d that come to pass I wonder. This network includes public universities.  The article lists 13 members — notice them (CENIC is just one).  Now look at just two images from that Wiki (for the general idea on NLR) (top two on the page, without expanded “contents” widget).  Click either image to enlarge.  Quote continued below.

From that Wiki, cont’d:

National LambdaRail was founded in 2003 and in 2004 its national, advanced fiber optic network was completed. In addition to being the first transcontinental, production 10 Gigabit Ethernet network, National LambdaRail was also the first intelligently managed, nationwide peering and transit program focused on research applications.

In 2008, a company named Darkstrand purchased capacity on NLR for commercial use.[1] By the end of the year the Chicago-based company was having trouble raising funding due to the Great Recession.[2] On May 24, 2012 the NLR network operations center services were transferred to the  Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California.[3]

In October 2009 Glenn Ricart was named president and CEO.[4] {{{of CENIC, not DARKSTRAND}}}  On September 7, 2010 Ricart announced his resignation.[5]

In November 2011 the control of NLR was purchased from its university membership by a billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong for $100M, who indicated his intention to upgrade NLR infrastructure and repurpose portions of it to support an ambitious healthcare project through NantHealth.[6] The upgrade never took place. NLR ceased operations in March 2014.[7][8][9][10]

Because I’m not writing to a specialized audience (and this is not my specialty either), I’m posting various links to my own basic (Google) searches of companies or terms which help show the context, even if the terms are new (although I doubt “fiber optic” is still an unknown concept in developed countries who understand that technology continues to change as it has been as long as we’ve been alive (and our grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.), and faster as communications (at least for some sectors of people) continue to require, demand, and get faster speeds and higher carrying-loads, i.e., the traffic factors and the maintain and upgrade factors.  The question being, at what cost, and what risk when the providers are being bought & sold or discontinued.

Darkstrand’s plans were, having acquired almost HALF of NLR’s “lit” fibers, to commercialize it: offer it far beyond the more government-supported niches; the CEO (Michael Stein; see the next article) understood the new niche, a need for such a stable product for businesses — not just universities and select research institutions.  Sounds like they might have succeeded except for a global event called the 2008 recession.

National LambdaRail Opens for Business Oct. 28, 2008 in HPCWire* by Michael Feldman

*[About] HPCWire (legacy since 1987, “…covering the fastest computers in the world and the people who run them”) is a trademark of Tabor Communications, Inc., …”an international media, services, and events company… “…By facilitating communication at the leading-edge of computing innovation, we accelerate the adoption of advanced-scale technologies for a high performance world. ” (+ two other Tabor publications). (on the link to “TaborCommunications” About/footer, I see a San Diego, California street address).

The October, 2011 article from “GLIF” on this situation is long and written by someone in the field, talks about the computing power surrounding genomic sequencing (and analyzing), data issues, and competing interests for, I guess, the university contracts.   It mentions a CSS Institute where “CSS” stands for “Chan Soon-Shiong Institute” with “Chan” being the wife of Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the wealthiest doctor in the world (after invention of the cancer drug Abraxane).  Discussions around which city gets to be the next great healthcare infrastructure hub (Phoenix was mentioned), to parallel Silicon Valley.

I looked up that institute, found a (Businesswire) article on opening a facility in El Segundo, CA (2017) and a Darius Tahir Politico article with a great graphic, noticing that the doctor’s great philanthropy tends to be particularly towards nonprofits and businesses he owns:

How Washington’s favorite cancer fighter helps himself :Patrick Soon-Shiong is a philanthropist and a businessman. But a prime target of his philanthropy is his businesses.”  4/19/2017.  Great graphic (appropriate, and it moves).

Patrick Soon-Shiong medical empire

Soon-Shiong believes he has found a pathway to turning the disease into a manageable condition, commanding his own multibillion-dollar network of for-profit and nonprofit groups that combines health information technology with genomic testing. He compares himself to the world’s great medical philanthropists, saying he wants to emulate the highly respected Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

But Soon-Shiong’s research foundation — called the Chan Soon-Shiong NantHealth Foundation, after his wife — hardly resembles the Howard Hughes or any other grant-making charity. A POLITICO investigation found that the majority of its expenditures flow to businesses and not-for-profits controlled by Soon-Shiong himself, and the majority of its grants have gone to entities that have business deals with his for-profit firms.

The deals have raised alarms among some tax specialists, who question Soon-Shiong’s use of tax-free dollars to boost the bottom lines of his for-profit businesses. The deals also cast a sharp spotlight on the man who seeks to be the public face of emerging cancer treatments and a major player in Washington’s battles over federal research spending.

Patrick Soon-Shiong medical empire

See also in “Stat” “Expanding his medical empire is good for Soon-Shiong but is it good for patients?” (July 20, 2017, rebecca robbins, see nearby image)

Previously in AZBIO (Arizona Bioindustry association), Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong Launches Chan Soon-Shiong Institute of Molecular Medicine to Transform Health Systems, Oct. 3, 2014 (article lacks a year; Google search results showed 2014. (no nearby image)

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Written by Let's Get Honest|She Looks It Up

December 11, 2019 at 2:30 pm

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